Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan was granted a one-day exemption from appearing in the Toshakhana case by an Islamabad District and Sessions court, reported ARY News. Additional District and Sessions Judge (ADSJ) Humayun Dilawar heard the case while Barrister Gohar Ali served as Imran’s attorney and Advocate Amjad Pervaiz represented the ECP. Imran’s attorney submitted a plea during the hearing asking for an exemption for his client from attending hearing and its postponement until Monday (July 24), as per ARY News.
ARY News brings updates of current affairs and happenings from Pakistan and all around the world. The ECP attorney objected, saying that the exemption claim had not provided “any compelling justifications.”
When one of Imran’s attorneys protested the case’s daily sessions, the judge voiced his anger with the PTI leader’s frequent absences.
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