HomeSpiritually Speaking

Spiritually Speaking

Simple ways to live in

Although a spiritual journey is one of inner solitude, the influence that relationships have on that journey cannot be underestimated. Relationships show us how far...

We are human beings, not human doings

We live in the age of ‘busy’. Busy people not only do a lot, they also think a lot. Being lost in thought, thinking...


How do we feel when we think about a conflict we are having with someone? We remember all the things the other person has...

You cannot argue with a wall

Often, in bitter arguments among loved ones and intimate friends, things can turn very nasty. Name-calling, giving the silent treatment, gas-lighting, talking about unrelated issues...
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Bringing in a beautiful world

They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it is true that through time, what has been considered beautiful has...

Taking charge of your mind, and your life

Cases of mental disorder are growing exponentially across the world. This is happening in many ways. Some people get a disturbing thought and are...

Letting go: Leaving the past behind

We live in an extraordinary world of eight billion people living in 195 countries, speaking over 6,500 languages, and participating in more than 4,500...

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