In a groundbreaking move, ride-hailing giant Uber has launched its maiden water transport service in India, allowing users to book a serene shikara ride on the iconic Dal Lake in Srinagar via its app. This initiative marks the company’s debut water-based offering in Asia, adding to its existing operations in European destinations such as Venice, Italy.
To kickstart the service, Uber has partnered with seven shikara operators and plans to gradually increase the fleet based on user demand. Customers can enjoy rides at government-approved rates, with the full fare going directly to the shikara operators, as Uber is not charging any commission.
Each shikara ride accommodates up to four passengers and lasts for one hour. Bookings are available from 10 AM to 5 PM, starting at Shikara Ghat No. 16. Users can schedule their rides as early as 12 hours in advance or up to 15 days prior, ensuring flexibility and convenience.
Also read: Zepto Eyes IPO, Expands Nationwide
Uber’s innovative step not only enhances its service portfolio but also promotes local tourism, offering a seamless and unique experience for travelers and residents alike.
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