Vedang Raina and Khushi Kapoor stole the spotlight on Day 6 of India Couture Week. Where they walked the ramp as showstoppers for designer Gaurav Gupta’s latest collection, ‘Arunodaya’. The pair’s chemistry was palpable as they showcased the collection, with Vedang holding Khushi close and keeping his gaze fixed on her throughout their runway walk. Their interactions added a romantic flair to the event, drawing significant attention from the audience.
Khushi Kapoor made a stunning impression in a glittering silver lehenga that shimmered under the spotlight. Her ensemble featured a high-waisted, fit-and-flare skirt adorned with geometric patterns and swirling stones. The lehenga was paired with a bead-embellished blouse that boasted flowing cape-style sleeves, creating a sense of grandeur and sophistication. To complete her look, Khushi opted for a multi-layered choker necklace that complemented her outfit perfectly. While her voluminous waves and neutral-toned makeup enhanced her radiant appearance.
Vedang Raina exuded sophistication in a chic sherwani that harmonized beautifully with Khushi’s attire. His ensemble featured a high neckline and long sleeves, with intricate black beadwork that added a touch of opulence. The sherwani was paired with sleek black trousers and matching brogues, creating a refined and polished look.
Their appearanc, matched her look perfectly. Together, their outfits and presence made a striking impression.e at the fashion gala follows their joint debut in the Netflix adaptation of ‘Archie Comics’, ‘The Archies’. The duo was also recently spotted at the wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, further fueling interest in their on-screen and off-screen chemistry.
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