On July 6, Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh received high praise from Hollywood star Ryan Reynolds, marking Singh’s birthday. Marvel India’s official Instagram featured a video where Reynolds described Singh as “amazing” and “very funny.”
When asked about potential collaborations, Reynolds mentioned Singh’s talents, noting, “Oh, Ranveer Singh is amazing. He has done the voice of Deadpool. But also very funny.” Reynolds humorously pointed out Hugh Jackman’s impressive physique compared to his own during the interview.
In a previous interview with IndiaToday.in, Reynolds had expressed interest in connecting with Singh over direct messages (DMs).
Ranveer Singh voiced the Hindi version of Deadpool in Deadpool 2. Reynolds and Hugh Jackman have been promoting their Marvel movie, Deadpool and Wolverine, recently meeting K-pop idols in Seoul, South Korea.
Deadpool and Wolverine is set to release in theaters on July 26.
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