Tamannaah Bhatia recently faced criticism after participating in a photoshoot for designer Karan Torani’s campaign, where she portrayed the Hindu goddess Radha. The campaign, titled Leela: The Illusion Of Love, featured Tamannaah in an ornate orange saree, intended to capture the festive spirit. However, many people were upset by the photos, arguing that the portrayal in the campaign was inappropriate and sexualized the sacred figure of Radha, who is the chief consort of Lord Krishna.
Following the backlash, both Tamannaah and Torani removed the photoshoot from their Instagram accounts. The criticism prompted a wave of social media outrage, with users demanding that the sexualization of Radha stop. One user’s comment in a viral Instagram campaign urged the actress and designer to respect the sanctity of Radha and Krishna’s relationship, expressing frustration over the perceived commercialization.
In a post about her experience, Tamannaah had previously expressed a profound connection with the role, praising Torani’s creative vision. She described feeling a divine presence during the shoot and appreciated the artistic efforts behind the campaign.
On a different note, Tamannaah recently made headlines with her performance in the song “Aaj Ki Raat” from Stree 2. In this song, she wore a striking green outfit and impressed audiences with her dance moves. Tamannaah shared that the song was filmed under challenging conditions, with temperatures dropping to 5 degrees. Despite the cold, she enjoyed the experience, especially as it coincided with her birthday. She expressed gratitude for the support from the Stree 2 team and hopes the film will achieve great success at the box office.
Overall, while Tamannaah’s recent work in Stree 2 has been well-received, the controversy surrounding her Radha portrayal underscores the sensitivity and significance of cultural and religious representations in media.
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