Actor Gurucharan Singh, renowned for his role as Sodhi in the TV show “Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah,” has reportedly disappeared during his journey from Delhi to Mumbai. His father has filed a missing person report, according to The Times of India.

Reportedly, Gurucharan did not return home as expected. His father, Hargit Singh, filed a missing complaint in Hindi stating, “My son Gurucharan Singh, aged 50, left at 8:30 am on April 22nd to travel to Mumbai. He went to the airport for a flight but hasn’t reached Mumbai, nor has he returned home. His phone is unreachable. He is mentally sound, and we have been searching for him, but he is now missing.”

An investigation is currently underway into the matter.

Gurucharan gained fame for his role as Sodhi in “Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah.” He decided to leave the show some years ago to prioritize his family.