Renowned Bollywood actor Sonam Kapoor has been making waves in the international fashion scene by proudly showcasing the exquisite work of local artisans. With her unique fashion choices, Kapoor has been leading the charge in putting India on the global map for its rich craftsmanship.
In a recent interview, Kapoor expressed her belief that the West had previously underestimated the impact of Indian fashion. “We are developing nations, but that is slowly changing,” she stated confidently. “We, as people here, have our growing voices as individuals and spending power as clients, making it difficult to be ignored anymore.”
Kapoor emphasized her commitment to representing India whenever she attends international events, making a conscious effort to wear designs by Indian or South Asian designers. For her, it is about showcasing the diversity, resilience, and coexistence that define the country. “Whatever is made in India has great value,” she emphasized. “It’s a multicultural place where people from many faiths live together in harmony, and representing that is of utmost importance.”
India’s rich cultural heritage and ancient civilization have made it a hub for artisanal craftsmanship, particularly in the realms of jewelry and embroidery. Kapoor highlighted the intricate work that goes into creating haute couture pieces and luxury clothing, with numerous international fashion houses relying on Indian artisans for their embroidery expertise.
While Kapoor has been making waves in the fashion industry, she has also found success on the silver screen. Recently, she made her comeback in the film “Blind,” directed by Shome Makhija. The movie, which also stars Purab Kohli, Vinay Pathak, and Lillete Dubey, marks Kapoor’s return to acting after a maternity break. She welcomed her son, Vayu, in August 2022.
Sonam Kapoor’s dedication to promoting Indian craftsmanship and representing the rich cultural heritage of the country has undoubtedly put India on the global fashion map. With her influence and fashion choices, Kapoor continues to inspire local artisans and showcase India’s incredible talent to the world.
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