The actor, not too active on social media these days, made an exception when he shared a peek into the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations at his Mumbai home, Mannat. Khan took to the photo-sharing app on Saturday night to share an image which featured himself and wife Gauri Khan. On this pious day of Ganesha Chaturthi, may Lord Ganesha bless all of us and our respective families with health, love and joy. And of course a lot of modaks.
Shah Rukh Khan captioned the post as
Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan, married since 1991, have three children: Aryan, 26, who has just launched a luxury streetwear brand and is about to make his directorial debut; Lucks favourite Suhana, 24, who is about to make her acting debut in Zoya Akhtar’s adaptation of *The Archies* opposite Agastya Nanda and Khushi Kapoor; AbRam goes to school in Mumbai.
Shah Rukh Khan is also gearing up for his next *King*, directed by Sujoy Ghosh. While speaking at the Locarno Film Festival, SRK stated, “I finished *Jawan* and *Dunki* last year. Now, there’s a certain kind of film I want to do. Maybe it’s more age-centric and something I’ve been trying for over 7 years. I mentioned it to Sujoy Ghosh in my office, and he said, ‘Sir, I have a subject.'”
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