Shah Rukh Khan made history as the first Indian celebrity to receive the Pardo alla Carriera award at the 77th Locarno Film Festival. However, a red carpet incident has divided opinions on social media. A video circulating on X shows Shah Rukh moving toward a man near photographers, appearing to push him out of the frame. This act led to criticism, with one user saying, “He pushed that old man! Shame on you, Shah Rukh Khan.”
Critics accused Shah Rukh of arrogance, suggesting his actions were not playful. One tweet stated, “Always knew he is not a nice person. He tries to pretend to be…” Another added, “Indeed, it was not playful but Shah Rukh’s arrogance!”
However, fans quickly came to his defense, explaining that the man in the video was a friend and the interaction was lighthearted. A fan tweeted, “King Shah Rukh having fun times,” while another clarified, “Yes, that guy is his old friend.”
Despite the controversy, Shah Rukh Khan captivated the Locarno Film Festival audience with his charm and heartfelt speech. Dressed in a sleek black blazer and trousers, the actor expressed gratitude, saying, “Thank you all for welcoming me with such wide arms – wider than the ones I do on screen.” He praised Locarno’s beauty, likening it to the warmth of India, and expressed appreciation for the festival’s cultural significance.
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