Salman Khan recently took to social media to share an exciting announcement: he’s teaming up with the luxury watch brand Jacob & Co to create a new, exclusive collection. The Bollywood star posted a picture with Jacob & Co founder Jacob Arabo, revealing the partnership and hinting at what’s to come. In his post, Khan wrote, “With my dear friend @jacobarabo shaking hands to unveil my new partnership with @jacobandco. Salman Khan – Jacob & Co timepiece coming soon.” This news has already stirred excitement among fans eagerly awaiting the launch of this unique collection.
Known for its distinctive and luxurious designs, Jacob & Co is collaborating with Khan to produce a line that promises to be extraordinary. Salman Khan, celebrated for his style and charisma, is now venturing into the luxury watch market, joining other notable figures who have worked with the brand. This partnership is expected to infuse the luxury watch market with fresh and stylish offerings.
Jacob & Co is renowned for its exceptional craftsmanship and has a history of collaborations with prominent personalities in sports, entertainment, and luxury industries. The new collection, combining the brand’s opulent timepieces with Salman Khan’s distinctive flair, is highly anticipated.
On the professional front, Khan is also busy with his upcoming project, “Sikandar,” directed by AR Murugadoss and slated for release in 2025. As fans look forward to both the film and the watch collection, Khan’s collaboration adds another exciting chapter to his career.
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