Actor Rashmika Mandanna has been roped in to star alongside Dhanush in National Award-winning filmmaker Sekhar Kammula next directorial venture. The film, which marks Dhanush’s 51st feature project, was officially announced last month on the actor’s birthday. Suniel Narang and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao will be producing the film via Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP in association with Amigos Creations Pvt Ltd. “Rashmika Mandanna comes on board to play the female lead in the movie. This will be Rashmika’s first association with Dhanush, Sekhar Kammula, and Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP,” the makers said. The details of the other cast and technical crew will be announced soon.
DiCaprio’s contribution aligns with a broader wave of celebrity donations addressing the crisis.
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