On the occasion of their sixth wedding anniversary, Ranveer Singh delighted fans with a touching post dedicated to Deepika Padukone, which is quickly becoming an Internet favorite. In a carousel of photos, Ranveer shared the many sides of Deepika, capturing her radiant smile in various candid moments. The pictures showcase Deepika enjoying simple joys—savoring her favorite ice cream, making playful faces, and ending with a stunning shot from her maternity shoot. Expressing his affection, Ranveer wrote, “Every day is Wife Appreciation Day, but today is the main day,” tagging Deepika and adding, “Happy anniversary. I love you.”
The couple recently entered a new chapter in their lives, welcoming their daughter, Dua, on September 8. The pair made their first public appearance with baby Dua at Mumbai airport, where they were spotted in casual attire, radiating joy and warmth.
This Diwali, Ranveer and Deepika revealed their daughter’s name in a touching post. “Dua: Meaning a prayer. Because she is the answer to our prayers. Our hearts are filled with Love & Gratitude. Deepika & Ranveer,” they shared, accompanied by a heartwarming picture of their baby girl.
Ranveer and Deepika’s love story began in 2013 on the set of Ram Leela. Five years later, in 2018, they tied the knot in a private ceremony at Lake Como, Italy, followed by grand receptions in Bengaluru, Mumbai, and Delhi. Earlier this year, they shared the happy news of their pregnancy, to the delight of fans and well-wishers.
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