Director Shankar and Ram Charan have been working hard to complete their film, ‘Game Changer’. In recent times, there have been leaks of clips from unreleased films and the Game Changer team has been trying their best to keep everything under tight wraps. Unfortunately, leaked images and videos of Ram Charan performing high-octane stunts from the film was leaked and went viral. Now, the footage of the first single, ‘Jaragandi’ has also ended up getting leaked on social media. In response, the film’s crew has taken a strong stand and filed a formal police complaint. In the latest developments, the Cyber Crime Department swiftly took action and apprehended two individuals responsible for the song leak. ACP Chand Basha of the Cyber Crimes Division, along with Inspector Bhaskar Reddy, SI Prasen Reddy, SI Saiteja Sree, and their team, acted decisively and brought the culprits to justice, sending a clear message to those involved in piracy. Meanwhile, the filmmakers delighted fans by announcing that the film’s first single will be released as a special Diwali treat. Thaman has scored some foot-tapping music and songs for this film. The film’s production team has revealed that the song will be released in multiple languages at a pan-India level, increasing the excitement among Ram Charan’s fans.
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