On Raksha Bandhan, actor Tamannaah Bhatia shared a nostalgic glimpse of her relationship with her brother. Taking to Instagram Stories, Tamannaah posted a sweet childhood photo with her sibling, expressing how much she misses their playful times together. She wrote, “Happy Raksha Bandhan to the best brother ever! Missing our bachpan ki masti and you a little extra today. Pamper me soon ❤️❤️.”
In other news, Tamannaah is receiving praise for her special appearance in the film Stree 2. Her performance in the song “Aaj Ki Raat” has captivated audiences. The movie, directed by Amar Kaushik, premiered on August 15 and has been well-received both in India and internationally. According to trade analyst Taran Adarsh, Stree 2 earned ₹55.40 crore in India on its first day. The horror-comedy continues the story of how the character Sarkata frightens the residents of Chanderi, who now seek help from Stree.
Tamannaah’s role in Vedaa, a film directed by Nikkhil Advani and featuring John Abraham and Sharvari, is also garnering attention. Described as a “powerful story of resilience,” Vedaa tells the tale of a young woman challenging societal norms, supported by a former soldier. The film, produced by Zee Studios and several others, highlights Tamannaah’s range and continues to build her reputation in the industry.
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