Rajkumar Santoshi’s lawyer, Binesh Patel, has confirmed that the filmmaker has been granted bail in the cheque-bouncing case. The court has also postponed the judgment for the next 30 days. Earlier, the court had ordered a two-year jail sentence for Santoshi and asked him to repay double the amount owed to a businessman. However, the Jamnagar court in Gujarat has allowed Santoshi 30 days to appeal against the order in a higher court.
Patel stated, “The court has stayed its judgment for 30 days and granted Mr. Santoshi bail after we sought time to appeal against the judgment at a higher forum.” He also mentioned that the prosecution did not provide any documentary evidence to prove that Santoshi had taken the money. The complainant, Ashok Lal, claimed to have received 10 cheques of Rs. 10 lakh each from Santoshi, totaling Rs. 1 crore, which subsequently bounced.
Piyush Bhojani, the advocate for the businessman, confirmed the sentencing and the details of the case. He stated that Lal had contributed Rs. 1 crore to Santoshi’s film and that the cheques bounced when deposited in the bank. Lal tried to contact Santoshi regarding the matter but was unsuccessful, leading him to file a lawsuit under the Negotiable Instruments Act.
On the work front, Santoshi is set to release his next directorial venture, ‘Lahore 1947,’ produced under Aamir Khan Productions. This project marks the first collaboration between Sunny Deol, Santoshi, and Aamir Khan. The trio has previously delivered box office hits like ‘Ghayal,’ ‘Damini,’ and ‘Ghatak.’
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