Radhika Merchant, who has now become Radhika Ambani after her marriage to the son of Mukesh and Nita Ambani, Anant Ambani, has settled into her new identity. Their wedding took place on July 12. Several celebrities and dignitaries witnessed the grand affair. For her first interview since entering the Ambani family, Radhika divulged insights about her work and future aspirations with Entrepreneur India.
As the Executive Director of Domestic Marketing at Encore Healthcare, Radhika Ambani concentrates on expanding the Indian business, particularly the Southern markets. She said that bringing quality healthcare products to all parts of the country called for technology.
Radhika Ambani’s leadership style emerged as a product of her early years with her father’s firm, Encore Healthcare, where she started as a medical representative. Reflecting on her early days, she said, “My first boss told me if you can manage the sales of a company you can play any role there because sales requires you to learn the ins and outs of product, finance and distribution.”. This also enables you to work at the level closest to your customer. She attributed her success to teamwork and relentless striving for healthcare excellence.
Her sister, Anjali Merchant Majithia – Executive Director of International Markets at Encore, laid out her vision for the expansion of the company into the global market. She says she is currently working towards getting Encore to have an office in 20 countries, and thus hopes to become a leading pharmaceutical company in the future.
Radhika celebrated her first birthday as an Ambani at the Ambani residence, Antilia, in Mumbai. A cake-cutting ceremony was arranged for family and friends, and snippets of the same were shared on social media by one of her influential friends, Orry.s.
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