Bollywood actress Aisha Sharma has been dedicating her time to fitness recently. The “Satyamev Jayate” star shared a series of photos on her Instagram, showcasing herself engaged in a game of pickleball. Sporting a black tennis skirt, a lavender crop top, black calf-length socks, and white trainers, Aisha struck a pose on the court after a rigorous session of pickleball.
Inspired by Aisha Sharma, here’s everything you need to know about pickleball.
-Pickleball is a racket or paddle sport that involves at least two players using a smooth paddle to hit a perforated, hollow plastic ball over a net.
-The game requires two players for singles or four players for doubles.
-The net in pickleball stands at approximately 34 inches high, dividing the court into two equal parts.
-The perforated plastic ball must be served over the net and returned by the opposing player. Failure to return the ball constitutes a rule infraction.
-Pickleball can be enjoyed both indoors and outdoors.
-Playing pickleball offers numerous health and wellness benefits, encouraging you to hit the court like Aisha Sharma.
-The sport is excellent for burning calories.
-It enhances body flexibility and agility.
-Pickleball also provides physical, mental, and cognitive benefits.
Trust Aisha Sharma to prioritize wellness by incorporating pickleball into her fitness routine.
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