Actor Nargis Fakhri shared a string of pictures from the sets of her upcoming series ‘Tatlubaaz.’ Taking to Instagram, Nargis shared the post which she captioned, “Who knew pushing boundaries could be so much fun! #shooting #webseriesdebut #benaras #bollywood #ott #epicon.”
In the first picture, she could be seen getting her makeup done on the sets of series and donning a pink saree. In another pic, she can be seen standing inside her vanity van in a beautiful red saree. The last two pictures were clicked from a monitor on the sets of the series which features Nargis in the frame. ‘Tatlubaaz’ marks the OTT debut of Nargis and TV actor Dheeraj Dhoopar. Helmed by Vibhu Kashyap, the series also stars Divya Aggarwal and Zeishan Quadri in pivotal roles.
Soon after the ‘Rockstar’ actor shared the pictures, fans flooded the comment section with red hearts and fire emoticons. Dheeraj Dhoopar commented, “Hey beautiful,” followed by a red heart emoticon. Divya Aggarwal commented, “Hello there”. Meanwhile, Nargis, was last featured in a music video titled ‘Fayaah Fayaah’ alongside singer Guru Randhawa.
Dheeraj Dhoopar gathered a lot of popularity for his role in the Indian television show ‘Kundali Bhagya’. The actor and his wife Vinny Arora recently welcomed a welcome baby boy. The official streaming date of the series is still awaited.
Divya, on the other hand, is known for a number of reality series. She was the runner-up of MTV ‘Splitsvilla 10’ and was the winner of ‘Ace of Space 1’ and ‘Bigg Boss OTT’. ‘Ragini MMS: Returns 2’, a horror web series, served as her acting debut.
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