Ace filmmaker Karan Johar’s recently released romantic drama film ‘Rocky aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’ starring Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt, Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan and Shabana Azmi has now crossed Rs 200 crore mark globally. The film marks KJo’s return to the director’s chair after seven years. Karan penned down an emotional post on Instagram as his film entered the Rs 200 crore club.
He wrote, “Prior to the release of this film, I felt that at any point of time I would need an IV drip and was near collapse!! The question I asked myself was – is it the long 7 year gap? Or the anxiety built over the last 3 years. Or the fact that we live in an ambiguous box office time. Whatever the real reason is – I was a bonafide mess! This film is truly a product of team energy & love.”
He expressed gratitude to the writers, dress designers and musicians of the film and wrote, “I want to first express my deepest gratitude to the writing forces of this film – Shashank Khaitan & Sumit Roy, who guided me through the narrative journey of our film. Special mention to Ishita Moitra, who brought so much humour, introspection and cinema drama. This entire writing process would not have been possible without the creative governance & brilliance of Somen Mishra.”
“To my best friend and the couture maverick, Manish Malhotra and to the supremely talented Ekta Lakhani for matching the sari to Gucci with equal elan!
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