Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan tied the knot in 2012 in a private ceremony in Mumbai after several years of dating. Before marrying Kareena, Saif was married to actress Amrita Singh, with whom he parted ways in 2004. In a 2008 interview with People magazine, Kareena shared her thoughts about Amrita Singh, revealing her deep respect and admiration for Saif’s first wife.
Kareena’s Admiration for Amrita Singh
When asked about Saif’s past relationships, Kareena expressed her respect for Saif’s first marriage and his two children with Amrita, Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan. “I respect the fact that Saif was married before and has two lovely children. I have been a fan of Amrita Singh. I haven’t met her ever, but I know her through her films. For me, she’ll always have a place of importance in his life because she is Saif Ali Khan’s first wife and the mother of his children. And I’ve told Saif this,” Kareena said.
Encouraging Friendship
Kareena emphasized the importance of maintaining respect for Amrita Singh, saying, “I would want her to have that kind of respect always. This is what my parents have taught me. At the end of the day, it was just a marriage that didn’t work out. I have always encouraged Saif to be friends with her because I think that would be great. I guess they will just need time, but that’s something that they would need to deal with. I will always respect her.”
Regarding Saif’s other past relationships, Kareena stated, “As far as any other relationship of Saif is concerned, I don’t think they really mattered.”
Kareena and Saif’s Family
Kareena and Saif married on October 16, 2012, and are parents to two sons, Taimur Ali Khan, born in 2016, and Jehangir Ali Khan, also known as Jeh, born in 2021. Saif and his ex-wife Amrita have two children, Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan.
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