Bollywood actress and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut went to Twitter with some exciting news about her film Emergency. She posted, “We are happy to announce that we have finally received our censor certificate for our movie Emergency. We will announce the release date very soon. Thanks for your patience and support.”
The movie, Emergency, is thus a highly expected one for Kangana, as not only does she feature in the movie but also directs it. The film has been in limelight for long before it was due to hit the screens because it deals with the tumultuous period in Indian history when, in 1975, a state of Emergency was declared. It’s centered on the reign of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi during that tumultuous time, with that much upheaval and political tension of the time period.
With that stamp of approval from the censor board now in the pocket, this film takes one step closer to its release. Kangana didn’t specify the release date in her tweet, but the announcement has indeed raised the curiosity level among the fans and the fraternity, and most seem pretty eager to hear more about it.
Kangana has always been bold with her choices both in her acting career and even concerning personal opinions. She has always generated news in her non-conventional roles. Emergency is as ambitious as it gets for the actress, and one looks at her expectant with high hopes. The actress, before, showed a few stills of intense scenes and character portrayals that will be seen, and people await what this will be like.
The film is going to unravel India’s political scenario at the time of Emergency. It will present a different take on one of the most wronged chapters in Indian politics. The people patiently await the release date while word about Emergency builds, promising an exciting tale of history.
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