Actor Bhumi Pednekar has been appointed as the brand ambassador of Dimensions Mumbai, a short film competition based on the theme of Mumbai city, by Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival. The category was introduced in 2009 by Jaya Bachchan. The competition is applicable for young filmmakers within the age group of 18–25 years across India and the submissions are now open.
Pednekar said she is thrilled to be a part of Dimensions Mumbai this year. “It’s an incredible platform for young filmmakers. It gives them an opportunity to showcase their film to a larger audience on a big screen. For decades, Mumbai has inspired filmmakers from around the world. This city has cinema in its DNA.”
The opportunities that Mumbai can offer with an excellent platform like Dimensions Mumbai to promote filmmakers of extraordinary calibre to their full potential is special. “As a proud Mumbaiite who is always amazed and excited by the city, I can’t wait to interact with some of these filmmakers, watch their films,” the actor said in a statement.
Anupama Chopra, festival director, Jio MAMI, said it is thrilling to have Pednekar as the ambassador for Dimensions Mumbai. “Bhumi is an actor with talent and taste. Her films, starting with her debut, ‘Dum Laga Ke Haisha’ have helped to expand the boundaries of Hindi cinema. So, it’s thrilling to have her as the ambassador for Dimensions Mumbai.
“Our ambition with Dimensions Mumbai is to create a culture, a movement of sorts, amongst the young filmmakers across India to tell authentic stories. It’s an exciting time for the category, and we are very happy to collaborate with one of our finest actors on this one,” Chopra said. The call for entries for Dimensions Mumbai started last week and will be open until August 31, 2023.
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