Mukesh Ambani, Asia’s wealthiest man, recently marked a milestone with the wedding of his youngest son, Anant, to Radhika Merchant, heiress to a pharmaceutical fortune. Held at Mumbai’s Jio World Centre, the extravagant Ambani wedding stringent security measures, including QR code entry and color-coded wristbands. The festivities spanned three days, beginning with a lavish wedding ceremony followed by ‘Shubh Ashirwad’ and culminating in the ‘Mangal Utsav’ reception.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi graced the occasion to bless the couple, underscoring its prominence. Invitations were opulent, with select guests receiving elaborate boxes containing mini silver temples. Security was rigorous, with multi-layered checks and a robust emergency response plan.
The guest list boasted global luminaries from politics, entertainment, and business, including Tony Blair, Kim Kardashian, and David Beckham, alongside Indian icons like Shah Rukh Khan and Sachin Tendulkar. Anant, 29, oversees Reliance Industries’ green energy ventures, while Radhika, also 29, directs marketing at Encore Healthcare.
The wedding caps a series of extravagant celebrations, from star-studded pre-wedding events in Jamnagar and a Mediterranean cruise featuring Rihanna and Justin Bieber performances. Estimated costs, including high-profile artist fees, hint at a staggering expenditure, reflecting the Ambani family’s penchant for grandeur.
Mukesh Ambani, ranked 11th on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, continues his tradition of lavish celebrations for his children, marking yet another opulent Ambani wedding in Mumbai’s social calendar.
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