The comedy film ‘Fukrey 3,’ starring Varun Sharma, Pulkit Samrat, Manjot Singh, Pankaj Tripathi, and Richa Chadha, has been performing impressively at the domestic box office. According to a report, ‘Fukrey 3’ garnered 15.18 crore nett in India. This represents the film’s highest collection for a single day thus far, following its opening at 8.82 crore. As per the information provided, ‘Fukrey 3’ is expected to add another 12 crore to its earnings, which is a national holiday in observance of Gandhi Jayanti. With this, the film, having accumulated 43 crore nett over four days, is likely to surpass the 50 crore milestone with its fifth-day earnings.
According to early estimates provided by the portal, ‘Fukrey 3’ is anticipated to achieve a total business of 55.48 crore in India after five days. On the second day, the film collected 7.81 crore nett. Notably, there was a significant surge in business on the third day, with a 49.42 percent increase, resulting in earnings of 11.67 crore nett on Saturday in India. ‘Fukrey 3’ hit theaters on 28 September and garnered a range of reviews, ranging from mixed to positive, both from fans and critics alike. The film continues the storyline from where the second installment left off. It›s worth noting that the original ‘Fukrey 3’ was released in 2013 and enjoyed significant popularity among the audience. This was followed by ‘Fukrey Returns,’ which was released in 2017.
The third installment of the film retained the core cast, featuring Pulkit Samrat, Manjot Singh, and Varun Sharma, with the exception of Ali Fazal. Ali, who had played a role in the first two parts of the series, made a brief cameo appearance in the third installment. In a recent interview with Firstpost, Richa Chadha, Varun Sharma, and Pulkit Samrat discussed the evolution and maturity of their characters in ‘Fukrey 3’ Varun mentioned, ‘You know, we’ve just picked up right from where we left off the last time. Although it took us six years to bring it all together, and we lost a few years due to COVID-19, the story has essentially only progressed by six months to a year. So, we pretty much continue from where we left off.
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