Namrata Shirodkar, wife of Mahesh Babu, and their daughter Sitara Ghattamaneni attended the Dua Lipa concert in Mumbai on Saturday. They shared moments from their night out on Instagram, where they revealed that directors Vamshi Paidipally and Sukumar’s daughters, Sukriti and Aadya, also joined them. Namrata posted pictures of herself, Sitara, and their friends posing with Dua, calling her “just stunning” in her Instagram stories. Sitara also shared selfies with Sukriti and Aadya alongside Dua, with the group playfully pouting for the camera.
On her feed, Namrata posted joyful pictures with her friends from the concert, adding happy tears, heart, and champagne emojis. “Living it up, making memories,” she wrote. Sitara and Sukriti also shared videos of Dua performing on stage, capturing some of the fan-favorite moments.
When Dua Lipa announced her Mumbai concert, fans were curious to see how the crowd would react if she performed Levitating alongside Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic song “Wo Ladki Jo” from Baadshah, inspired by a viral audio clip. It turns out, the singer was well aware of the buzz and gave fans exactly what they hoped for, delivering her own take on the mashup, complete with a stunning fireworks display. Videos circulating online capture the crowd’s excitement as the fireworks explode and Shah Rukh’s track plays, creating an unforgettable moment for everyone in attendance.
Mahesh Babu was last seen in Trivikram Srinivas’ Guntur Kaaram earlier this year in January. While the film received mixed reviews, it performed well at the box office. He is now set to star in SS Rajamouli’s upcoming action-adventure, which has yet to begin production. Vamshi Paidipally, who last directed Vijay in Varisu, has not yet announced his next project. Meanwhile, Sukumar’s Pushpa 2: The Rule, starring Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna, will hit theatres on December 5 as the highly anticipated sequel to his 2021 hit Pushpa: The Rise.
Must Read: Dua Lipa’s India Tour Comes To A Close, Leaves For Seoul
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