Ahead of his much-anticipated Indian performances for the Dil-Luminati Tour, singer Diljit Dosanjh visited the Gurdwara Bangla Sahib in Delhi on Friday. In an Instagram video posted by his team, Diljit was seen humbly entering the gurdwara, praying with folded hands, bowing his head, and accepting prasad. He wore a red turban, a white T-shirt, and a black denim jacket. The video featured his song “Aar Nanak Paar Nanak” as background music, accompanied by the caption, “Bangla Sahib.”
After arriving in India, Diljit shared his enthusiasm with fans through an Instagram video of his landing and interactions with fans. “Delhi Ka Mausam Kya Keh Raha Hai (What is the weather of Delhi saying) DIL-LUMINATI TOUR Year 24,” he wrote, adding an Indian flag emoji and the song “Bharat Ka Rahnewala Hoon” from Purab Aur Paschim.
Following successful performances in the US and Europe, Diljit is set to kick off the Indian leg of his tour in Delhi at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium on Saturday and Sunday. After Delhi, he will continue performing in Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Pune, Kolkata, Bangalore, Indore, Chandigarh, and Guwahati.
Adding to the excitement, Diljit recently confirmed his role in Border 2, where he will star alongside Sunny Deol and Varun Dhawan. The sequel, centered on the Battle of Longewala, is expected to begin filming in November.
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