The makers of the upcoming drama film ‘Dhak Dhak’ unveiled the film’s official trailer on Monday. Taking to Instagram, actor Fatima Sana Shaikh shared the trailer with the caption, “Sometimes, taking a chance is all you need to do to live your dreams. Here’s our epic adventure to Khardung La #DhakDhak trailer out NOW. In cinemas 13th October.”
Helmed by Tarun Dudeja, the film stars Ratna Pathak Shah, Dia Mirza, Sanjana Sanghi, and Fatima Sana Shaikh. The film’s narrative revolves around four women from different walks of life who come together for an extraordinary journey filled with emotions, adventures, and self-discovery as they embark on a biking trip to Khardung La. The film explores how this journey forever alters their destinies.
‘Dhak Dhak’ is produced by Viacom18 Studios in collaboration with Taapsee Pannu and Pranjal Khandhdiya’s Outsider Films, in association with BLM Pictures. Directed by Tarun Dudeja and co-written by Parijat Joshi and Tarun Dudeja, the film is set to hit theatres on October 13, 2023.
Soon after the ‘Dangal’ actor shared the trailer, fans swamped the comment section and dropped red hearts and fire emoticons.
“Wow, just an amazing enthusiast and immensely involving trailer,” a fan commented.
Another fan wrote, “This looks like so much fun!!! Can’t wait to see the magic on the big screen.”
Recently, the makers unveiled the first track of the film ‘Re Banjara,’ which received decent responses from the fans.
‘Re Banjara’ is a song that beautifully encapsulates the soul and essence of the film. This heartfelt track captures the spirit of these women as they spread their wings and embark on an adventure.
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