On Saif Ali Khan’s birthday, the creators of the eagerly awaited film Devara – Part 1 unveiled a sneak peek of Saif’s role as Bhaira. Filmmaker Karan Johar, who is managing the film’s northern distribution, had previously teased fans with a hint of Saif’s character on Instagram. Now, NTR Arts has officially released a brief, 52-second action-packed video featuring Saif in his new role.
In the video, Saif’s character Bhaira is depicted dominating a wrestling match, delivering a brutal defeat to his opponent with blood staining the ground. The clip also shows Bhaira celebrating and dancing with his clan, highlighting his intense and commanding presence in the film. The makers teased, “His hunt will be legendary. Presenting @saifalikhanpataudiworld as #Bhaira from the world of #Devara.”
Saif Ali Khan plays the lead antagonist, while Janhvi Kapoor stars as the female lead, marking both actors’ Tollywood debuts. Directed by Koratala Siva and produced by Yuvasudha Arts and NTR Arts, Devara: Part 1 is scheduled to hit theaters on September 27, 2024.
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