Union Home Minister Amit Shah met the cast of The Sabarmati Report on Friday. The film is based on the tragic incident of February 27, 2002, when the Sabarmati Express was set on fire near Godhra station, Gujarat. The attack killed 59 Hindu devotees and sparked riots across the state.

Amit Shah Applauds the Film

During the meeting, Amit Shah spoke with the film’s team, including Ektaa R Kapoor, Vikrant Massey, and Ridhi Dogra. On social media, he praised the film, saying, “Met the team of The Sabarmati Report and congratulated them for their courage to narrate the truth. The film exposes the lies and misleading facts to unveil the truth that was suppressed for a long time to meet political interests. #SabarmatiReport.”

Political Leaders Support the Film

Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant recently attended the film’s screening at the 55th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa. After watching, he praised the movie and expressed interest in making it tax-free in Goa. “I really liked the film… it’s extremely good,” Sawant said. “Very few filmmakers focus on real facts, and this film is based on a true incident.”

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath also attended a screening in Lucknow. He commended the film and its lead actor, Vikrant Massey. “Vikrant Massey and his team have made a commendable effort. The people of the country have the right to know the truth about the efforts to create animosity in society,” Adityanath said. He added that the film would be made tax-free in Uttar Pradesh.

The Film’s Cast and Crew

The Sabarmati Report stars Vikrant Massey, Raashii Khanna, and Ridhi Dogra in important roles. Directed by Dheeraj Sarna, the film was produced by Shobha Kapoor, Ektaa R Kapoor, Amul V Mohan, and Anshul Mohan. The film portrays the events surrounding the 2002 Godhra train attack and the following riots in Gujarat.