Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant tied the knot in Mumbai, hosting what’s being called the most powerful guest list of any wedding yet. The ceremony at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) featured high-profile names like Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Kim Kardashian, former British Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Boris Johnson, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, John Cena, Alia Bhatt, and more. The festivities included performances from iconic pop stars, with Justin Bieber at the sangeet and Rihanna at the Jamnagar pre-wedding celebrations in March 2024. Here’s a curated look at who wore what at the Ambani wedding.
Alia Bhatt in Manish Malhotra
Radhika Merchant in Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla
Nita Ambani in a real tissue gold ghagra by Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla
Deepika Padukone in Torani
Janhvi Kapoor in Falguni Shane Peacock
Madhuri Dixit in Rimple and Harpreet
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