Akshay Kumar’s latest film, ‘Sarfira’, premiered on July 12 and stars Radhika Madan and Paresh Rawal. While promoting the film, Akshay appeared on the show ‘Sarfiri Baatein’ with Ghazal Alagh. During their conversation, he asked Ghazal, “Has anyone in your business ever cheated you?” He then shared his own experiences of being ‘cheated’ after Ghazal emphasized that cheating is unacceptable.
“I simply stop communicating with anyone who cheats me,” Akshay Kumar stated, without naming specific individuals. He explained, “I withdraw and remain silent when someone fails to pay me. It has happened with a few producers who haven’t settled my dues, and I consider that cheating.”
Akshay Kumar’s latest film, ‘Sarfira’, explores India’s startup and aviation sectors. A Hindi remake of the acclaimed ‘Soorarai Pottru’, it is inspired by Air Deccan Founder Captain GR Gopinath and won five National Film Awards in 2020. Upcoming, Akshay will star in ‘Singham Again’, a high-budget Rohit Shetty film that revives the Singham franchise with an expanded cast, including Deepika Padukone, Kareena Kapoor, Tiger Shroff, Arjun Kapoor, Ajay Devgn, and Ranveer Singh.
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