‘Gadar 2’ is doing great since its release and the actor Sunny Deol is enjoying the film success. Recently, the actor got a notice from the Bank of Baroda stating that he has unpaid dues in his name which needs to be repaid. Although, now the bank has issued a corrigendum with a notice stating it was a technical glitch.
Despite a ceasefire deal, Israeli airstrikes in Gaza killed 80 people, including children, sparking renewed…
Houthis warn of renewed assaults on Red Sea vessels if the Israel-Hamas truce is violated,…
The BJP is intensifying its criticism of the remarks made by Leader of Opposition in…
BJP formed a third successive government under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Since…
The announcement of a ceasefire deal in conflict between Hamas and Israel This agreement marks…
Pope Francis injured his arm after suffering his second fall within a month. The incident…