Aishwarya Rai and Aaradhya posed separately at the Ambani wedding, sparking curiosity as the rest of the Bachchan family gathered for photos together. Later, Aishwarya and Aaradhya arrived and opted for their own photo opportunity. An old video has resurfaced from Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone’s 2018 wedding reception, showing Aishwarya Rai alongside the Bachchan family, where she was seen smiling and laughing with Shweta Bachchan. The reception was attended by Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Shweta, and Aishwarya, capturing a happy moment among them.
Amitabh Bachchan also shared a behind-the-scenes glimpse from Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone’s wedding reception, where he posted a photo of a dance performance with a playful caption. He wrote, “It’s a battle of the sexes at Deepika-Ranveer’s wedding bash… and the girls are winning! Vidya, hubby, and Arshad’s reactions say it all.” The post captured a moment where Deepika and Jaya Bachchan were seen smiling together, standing in front of Amitabh and Ranveer. Another photo shared by Amitabh showed Ranveer laughing, suggesting a light-hearted atmosphere despite the friendly competition between the genders. Amitabh humorously noted that the “boys” gracefully accepted their defeat in good spirits. These moments provided a glimpse into the joyous celebrations and camaraderie shared among Bollywood’s stars at the memorable event.
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