Aishwarya Rai and her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan recently enjoyed a vacation in New York and were spotted taking a selfie with airport staff as they traveled to the US. Aishwarya, who was recently in the news for traveling with only Aaradhya while her husband Abhishek Bachchan attended a high-profile wedding, shared a happy moment with airport staff in Mumbai before their trip. The photo, posted by Adani Lounge on Instagram, shows Aishwarya and Aaradhya smiling in a group selfie with the caption, “We’re thrilled to have Aishwarya Rai and her daughter grace the Adani Lounge. Thanks for making our day brighter! Looking forward to seeing you again soon!”
While in New York, Aishwarya was also praised by a US-based actor named Jeree Reyna. Jeree, who met Aishwarya twice over the years, shared photos of their recent encounter and a throwback on Instagram. She expressed her gratitude for Aishwarya’s kindness and the positive impact she has had on her life, writing, “Meeting your idol twice in one lifetime deserves a spot on the grid. Aish, thank you for always being so kind to me. It was always my dream to thank you for it. I wish you all the happiness and joy in this world.”
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