
BJP to change 40-50 percent of district presidents

Before the Lok Sabha elections, Bharatiya Janata Party is preparing for big changes. About 40-50 percent of the district presidents will be changed in the districts. Meanwhile, out of 1918 district presidents, more than 50 percent of the presidents will be changed. However, in terms of the caste-regional equation, new district heads will be formed. […]


Before the Lok Sabha elections, Bharatiya Janata Party is preparing for big changes. About 40-50 percent of the district presidents will be changed in the districts. Meanwhile, out of 1918 district presidents, more than 50 percent of the presidents will be changed. However, in terms of the caste-regional equation, new district heads will be formed. Efforts to help Thakur, Vaishya, Bhumihar, and Kayastha societies.


BhumiharBJPLok SabhaThakurVaishya