
Barber Salary in Alabama

Becoming a barber can be a rewarding profession if you have a passion. In general, becoming a hairdresser is not difficult. However, Alabama requires a license and there are minimum educational requirements. To work here, you must, first of all, recognize the living aspects of the state and its specifications. When choosing a lifelong profession, […]

Becoming a barber can be a rewarding profession if you have a passion. In general, becoming a hairdresser is not difficult. However, Alabama requires a license and there are minimum educational requirements. To work here, you must, first of all, recognize the living aspects of the state and its specifications.

When choosing a lifelong profession, you should also consider how much money you’ll be making. Barbers may earn as much as they want. The best thing about barbering is that you can always choose to be your own boss. Of course, you should work hard and practice a lot to achieve your goals. As soon as you become a professional, you’ll have more freedom over where and how long you work. Moreover, you can start your own business and enjoy life as it is.

How much does a Barber make in Alabama?

You must look through the state requirements before beginning a career as a hairdresser. First of all, Alabama requires a license, so make sure you have it. After you have been licensed your next step would be finding a job. As the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) states the mean hourly wage of hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists was $16.04 as of May 2021.

However, the barber industry is still expanding. The average annual salary for a barber here now varies from $36,986 to $43,513. It has increased compared with last year.  In comparison to Hawaii, where the hourly wage is $14.65, Alabama has a promising career with hourly rates beginning at $19.22.

However, you should consider the fact that barbers may receive tips from customers for providing excellent service. Moreover, their schedule may be very flexible which allows them to work on the weekends. If you have your own salon, you may work long hours too. 

Do I need an Alabama Barber license to earn more?

To operate legally, all barbers must have an Alabama Barber License, which is a state requirement. However, the license is also a level up in rank and an opportunity to make more money. Most individuals choose licensed hairdressers or barber services over regular ones. And if you can offer high-quality work along with the proof of your skills, you can rock the field.

How can I apply for barbering jobs in AL?

First and foremost, you must complete certain internships after receiving your license before you can begin working. You can later start working as a student barber in a barbershop.

Most organizations, in general, require you to finish a state-approved course to gain qualifications, either at a college or, if they have one, at their own training school.

If you meet these requirements, you are invited to search Google for a suitable opportunity. Simply fill out an application and wait for the results. Don’t be afraid of failure; instead, make the most of each interview and application.

What are the top 5 highest paying cities for barber jobs in Alabama?

Barbers are paid differently depending on the location, state’s minimum wages, continuing education, and skills. In terms of barber salary, Alabama ranks number 28 out of 50 states.

The top 5 cities in AL with the highest hairdresser annual salaries are:

Cost of living

Alabama is considered to be a wonderful place to live in. About 5,000,000 people live in the state and that number is growing year by year. For the first quarter of 2022, it had the 4th lowest cost of living in the U.S. Mississippi is the only other state in the southeastern region with a lower rate. According to the statistic released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the average cost of living in Alabama for an individual is around $35,859 per year. Various expenses are included when deciding the latter, including:

Alabama is pretty affordable compared with the rest of the states. Unfortunately, it has one of the highest poverty rates with 780,000 people living at or below the poverty line.

To sum up, traveling to this amazing region doesn’t cost anything. However, you’ll admire beautiful landscapes and enjoy sandy beaches. What about working here? You can simply level up and raise your income while saving money on a truly reasonable cost of living.
