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6 Most Earth Like Exoplanets


Gliese 667Cc, a potential  habitable exoplanet 22 light-years away and at least 4.5 times Earth's mass, orbits its cooler red dwarf star in 28 days but may be affected by stellar flares.


Kepler-22b, a super-Earth 600 light-years away and 2.4 times Earth's size,  it orbits its smaller colder G-class star in 290 days within the habitable zone, though its composition remains unclear.


Kepler-69c is a planet 70% larger than Earth and 2,700 light-years away. It orbits its star every 242 days within the habitable zone of its 80% sun-like star, though its composition remains unknown.


Kepler-186f, about 500 light-years away and at most 10% larger than Earth, orbits on the outer edge of its red dwarf star's habitable zone, receiving just one-third of the energy Earth gets from the sun.


Discovered in 2015, Kepler-452b, a potentially rocky planet 60% larger than Earth, orbits its sun-like star in the habitable zone, 1,400 light-years away, with a 385-day orbit.


Proxima Centauri b, Earth's closest exoplanet, is in the habitable zone but faces intense ultraviolet radiation due to its close proximity and short orbit.

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